Explain the name?

"I wont ever be distracted by the ones who want me to fail."

Sunday, 27 February 2011

A Vision of Beauty

Ive noticed its been a whole 4 days since I last posted..I hope you lovely people who are reading this can forgive me for depriving you of your precious entitlement to my blog :P Whoever is reading this, I would suspect cares for me on some level, and thank you for reading, you have allowed yourself to be immersed inside the inner workings of the most amazing and complex group of electrodes you probably know.... my mind :)

Tonight, I would like to talk about beauty, in all forms. In this world, there are such incredible saturations of natural, splendid beauty. Each day we may see an extremely high number of objects which exude some form of beauty, even man made. Everything we see and interpret as beauty must be appreciated. It seems to me that too many people walk around with their heads to the ground, completey excluding the world from their view, they may as well be blind, only then to insult the blind people who could not choose to be excluded with the precious sense of sight.

The invention of technology has vastly infected this world. We have become lazy and ignorant. In the times without technology, and probably a long time before, people were highly creative in the most natural sense. Wood Carvings, stone formations, all type of paintings and art, musical instruments...all these are so perfectly beautiful. Also, the resources to do some of these are becoming increasingly harder to obtain. Ive always wanted to do wood carvings, but have not found anywhere that teaches this. Of course, I can teach myself, but thats not the point. The point is that is I cant find a class that will teach this, then creative ability is being diminished in respect to this certain craft.

I work next to Cardiff Castle, I still havent been inside or had a look around yet, but I sure do plan to. I live near a beautiful bay and there are many amazing parks and natural grounds still to be seen. Ever so slowly, all this greenery and historic monuments are being crowded or even destroyed by modern technology or rather, society. Sure, there is plenty of fields when you venture out into the country, but even some of that is farmland and its a long way from home. When the government announced their wish to buy a public forest, it outraged everyone, and I didnt even think they gave it a single thought as to why it would be a bad idea. Such idiots trying to monopolise land to save their own arses! The point Im trying to make is to try your best to realise the natural beauty around you, in your local area and appreciate it in someway. Because they are the moments you should truly hold in your heart, not the storyline of a soap or the new phone thats coming out.

If you are still reading, my awesome friends, then I thank you. Hopefully by now you have an idea of how much I chat rubbish haha! So you can decide to stop reading future blogs, I know they are text heavy, so I do apologise. I thank you for reading all this. I only hope Im delivery a good read, if there are any topics you would like to me express an opinion about, then please do post a comment below with a suggestion, or even send me a message on Facebook.

I shall deliver an entry with my first week of Project SYLO very soon, Im sure some of you are excited to hear about it <3

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